Friday, September 20, 2024

L' estampe art gallery

Today we get to know Emanuele Cardellino founder and owner of L'Estampe art gallery in Via dei Mercanti 3G, in the heart of the Roman Lanes of Turin!

A native of Turin, Emanuele followed his true passion for history of art and graduated from the ร‰cole du Louvre in Paris. By then, he had already opened the main room of his current art gallery: Galleria L'Estampe in Via dei Mercanti 3G in the heart of Turin.

Like many Italians, Emanuele took history of art in high school with a teacher trained by one of Italy's top art critics who pushed her classes critical spirit by teaching the students how to compare different works of art and go beyond what they saw on the surface. This was an exercise to develop a better appreciation for details, beauty and meanings in different contexts.

This search for beauty within its forms and materiels has now been Emanuele's mission through his art dealing business. In fact, over the years his business has expanded in different directions, yet always keeping within the realm of art.

Buying and selling paintings, prints to amateurs and art specialists has brought Emanuele to specialize in pigments and techniques before making him an expert in art renovation. So after a few years in the business, he also certified as an appraiser and an archivist to complete his qualifications as an art expert.

30 years have gone by since Emanuele opened his first one room art gallery, in 1994 when he was 20, and today we can visit both his gallery his nextdoor print shop with frame workshop.

Both places are quite unique for all art lovers and even more to art experts and artists. Visitors to Turin will love Emanuele's selection of paintings by Turinese and Piedmontese artists both dead and alive.

Piedmontese painters who portrayed the Alpine animals of Piedmont

The windows of Galleria L'Estampe are always very captivating with watercolors and prints of the animals of our Alps and paintings of flowers whose colors remind you of faraway places even though they are actually very Turinese.

Tarot lovers will love "Il Bagatto" or "the magician" a painting with different major arcana and those of you who are into Italian literature and art will immediately think of Italo Calvino's The Castle of Crossed Destinies.

After all, the cards give us all hints about our lives but we are all the magician our destiny ๐Ÿ˜‰

Not only Turin or Piedmont art at Galleria L'Estampe

Don't be shy, ring the bell and peek around the 3 rooms of Galleria L'Estampe, bask in the warm atmosphere of art and get to know Emanuele who will very happily share some anecdotes about the artists and the works you'll see.

If vintage posters and prints are more your thing, this is what you will find next door in Emanuele's frame workshop or La Corniceria, among the many sizes that will easily be one that can travel with you. Emanuele's mom is usually in this shop and she will welcome you like an old-time friend, always with a smile and will allow you to browse around the shop. 
This is where you'll find gems like posters for 1930s Italian events or old posters of iconic brands.

Needless to add, in La Corniceria they can customize all painting / poster / print frames.

Browsing around Galleria L'Estampe and the corniceria you'll quickly be reminded of why you love art and why art makes our lives beautiful despite all the odds happing in the world.

Nothing like the local art scene and the art galleries of a city can convey her soul and the local lifestyle! Mark it down and visit Emanuele's Galleria L'Estampe and the next door Corniceria in Via dei Mercanti 3G in Turin and follow the artworks for sale online too.

Art is as vital as the air we breath and like a garden, we must cultivate it or we'll lose our humanity.

For all your tours, classes and services in Turin, please email Lucia:

Thursday, July 18, 2024

the chocolate museum

After many long years of wishing and praying, soft whispering and hoping, the Turin chocolate museum finally opened and with Alex Futter - a long time friend - we went to take a look for you!

Bridgerton vibes at the chocolate museum too

Saturday, June 22, 2024

late June in Turin

June in Turin is one of the top  months to visit because you, amici from out of town, can enjoy our fully working city when some of the locals have already left for the summer!

the fruit you can buy at our market at the end of June

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May in Turin

 ... and in the blink of an eye it's almost summer even though in Turin and Piedmont these days it's still pretty rainy and we are still wearing sweaters and jackets. 

To understand what May does mean in Turin you will need a market our. Lucky us here, we have a daily market in every neighborhood except for Sunday. According to what you'll see on the stalls you'll know what we are cooking, eating and what to expect on our restaurant menus.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Olivetti the Italian Silicon Valley

If we were to ask you what Martini, Lavazza and FIAT have in common, what would you answer? And if we asked you how they are connected to Bialetti, AlessiZegna and Ferrero - think nutella and Ferrero Rocher?

Easy: Turin capital of Piedmont! 
Now imagine a company vision where the wellbeing of the workers directly translates into the highest productivity and revenues for the company itself, and you have the framework of most of our Piedmont companies and brands. 

The most famous and renowned Italian brands and symbols in the world originated by small family owned companies here in Piedmont. Martini in the late 1700s, FIAT in the late 1800s, Lavazza, Bialetti, Alessi and Ferrero in the early to mid 1900s. And their products are the results of the creativity of the company founders and their descendants.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The bear, the bulls and the wine fair

As the 3rd season of The Bear has just been confirmed and as the 2nd one has just won a ton of Golden Globes we want to share with you why this iconic TV series - a must-see for all food-lovers is actually also a portrait of Turin and basically how Chicago and Turin are so similar in their polar opposite identity.

La Farmacia Del Cambio, Turin