As many US expats must have experienced by now, abroad there is no Thanksgiving Day... and Italy is no exception therefore, we tend to celebrate it during the week-end...yeah, not the same, we agree, both ingredients and flavors slightly change too, yet it is still pretty awesome that we can take the time to be thankful and share food with some really good friends when away from our families.
In Turin, we took the week to visit a couple of the many
events that take part in the last of November and totally devoted our Saturday to the Thanksgiving Day dinner!
In fact, our team is extremely lucky because
Benedetta Oggero - aka
Miss Bee is a good friend and collaborator AND she has a BIG passion for cooking and eating, so she had us all at her place!
Miss Bee proudly showing her 8.5 kg/18.7lb turkey |
Benedetta inehrited her cooking passion and culinary dexterity from her mom. In fact, she grew up in a home where friends and family members were always felt welcomed to eat, and food in its more convivial aspect has always been part of her life, even when she moved to London. Getting to know the ingredients' origin, and how they are made, selecting the sellers - sometimes also befriending them to secure the best products! - designing menus, pairing the right flavors and styling a table are all Benedetta's favorite time in her busy week.