Monday, June 29, 2020

turinepi20 week 2

Turin Epicurean Capital normally lasts 3 days in Turin but covid19 kept most of our guests at home and so we met them virtually online and these are our week 2 chats.

  • As our guests loved the turinepi19 cheese tasting at Latteria Bera, we had planned another one this year too. Given the situation, we decided to do a virtual one where Chiara presented 7 cheeses, mostly produced in Piedmont, the vegan gianduiotti and cremini chocolates you can buy in her historic dairy and naturally, her famous whipped cream 😋
This virtual tasting is fully in Italian, for the English version click here.

turinepi20 week 1

Here are the first turinepi20 online chats:

  • Renata Haidle - a very talented travel photographer who specializes about France but deeply loves Italy - opened this 7th virtual edition.
During her chat we talked about virtually everything from food to future travel plans!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Turin Epi 7th edition

So it is in the Covid19 times that starting from next week, we'll be switching to a virtual Turin Epicurean Capital edition on all our SoMe.